
Student Project | Commercial

The Brand:

Dentwood Coffee Co. carries forward a legacy of craft and attention to detail, meticiosuly roasting small-batch coffee for the Richmond, Virgina area. Locally owned, their target audience is people who don’t just drink coffee to wake up, but tthose who truly want to savor every drink.

The Ask:

Create a 30-second commercial for the brand that focuses on the idea that Dentwood is “fuel for every adventure.”

The Idea:

Dentwood Presents: Night Adventures 
The Commercial

The Script










The Night Shift :30 Spot

Open on a night guard walking through the museum at night.

SUPER: Dentwood Coffee Presents: Night Adventures

Cut to man in obvious interview set up, holding a Dentwood-branded mug of coffee

“Haha, yeah no nothing actually happens at night” 

Cut to scene

He shines his flashlight and is immediately spooked by something

Cut back to interview

“Nah nah, that doesn't count.”

Cut back to scene

He’s leaned over, hand on chest, in front of the dinosaur

“Oh lord, Terry. You really got me”

Cut back to interview

“The first couple of months were pretty hard on me. Of course, you pick up a few tricks, settle into a good routine.” 

Cuts to him looking over a pot of coffee being brewed in the break room with a Dentwood coffee bag being shown.

Cuts back to him, holding the cup close to his mouth

“These days I look forward to every shift” 

SUPER: Dentwood Coffee

Other fun stuff
Look at that! We made a protoype. 

Special Thanks to:
Producer/Copywriter: Emma Roth
Production Designer/Art Director: Kristina Murray
Sound Lead/Copywriter: Moss Davis
Photography/Camera Lead: Eliza Fry
Editor/Colorist: Max Dotson
Actor: David Ballowe

My Role: Copywriter/Sound Lead/VFX

Tillamook   |    Madras   |   Dentwood   |   John Deere